When farmers start cutting the first meadows in spring, more than 100,000 fawns fall victim to the huge machines nationwide every year. The young animals are hidden by their mothers in the tall grass for protection and are thus difficult to find. Meadows near forests are particularly favoured. In the first two weeks of life, they have not yet developed an instinct to flee, but instead press themselves flat on the ground in case of danger.

The fastest and safest method to find fawns is thermal imaging drones. Helpers use them to search the areas in the early morning and recover the fawns. But young hares and other wild animals can also be saved from the machines in this way.

Fawn rescue with drones
In recent years, the use of drones in combination with thermal imaging technology has become established in the field of fawn search. The procedure offers farmers and those authorised to hunt the animals the possibility to fulfil their responsibility towards the game in a time-saving and effective manner and thus prevent the mowing death of fawns.

Farmers can register and have the helpers of the "CECEBA fawn rescue" initiative check risk areas where experience shows that fawns can be expected.
Win-win, because farmers can mow their meadows without interruption and without loss of time.

The evening before, we should be informed by the farmers by phone or WhatsApp by 21:30 at the latest where mowing will take place the next morning. The thermal imaging camera of the drone can capture the heat signature of the fawns until 08:00 a.m. at the latest - after that, unfortunately, the ambient temperature becomes too high.

The person authorised to hunt in the respective hunting ground must be present. Maximum 2 persons.
If possible, this person should provide 3-4 boxes with lids or an appropriately large board to cover them.

The exercise is carried out by four CECBA volunteers and is free of charge for farmers.

Upon request, the farmer will receive a written notification from the helpers after a threatened flight has been carried out that the areas have been searched. This form is available on the website of the Landesjagtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. or under the following link.
